Mental Health Services
Diagnostic Assessments:
Evaluating psychological and addiction issues: these entail thorough history taking and formulation of a diagnosis.
Medication Management:
Our exceptional team of psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and other nursing staff offer you the most optimal medication regimen for your ailment. With us you will have access to the most cutting edge medication solutions.
Individual, Couples, and Family Therapy:
Charak is comprised of an elite team of mental health professionals. Mental health cannot be obtained and maintained by simply administering medication. The human mind is complicated. Charak’s mental health professionals provide counseling and therapy with the aim of navigating the many issues that result in mental health issues. We provide problem solving and behavioral techniques that assist our clients with particular problems, such as addiction or stress management. We also identify and help manage patterns of thinking and behavior that negatively impact the way our clients interact with the world.